
Five Minute Friday - Soon

I feel like I am still in the same situation I’ve been in for way too long. I have friends where I live, but I don’t feel like I have close friends. We’ve lived here for 15+ years and yet it’s my out of state friend that will call to check in on me. 

It’s been tough lately. Emotionally anyway.  I lost my oldest brother a year ago, and I feel like I still haven’t snapped back into life as it was before. I’ve been quiet lately too, as in not mingling with my group of networking friends, or my work friends, or my church friends, or God.  I’ve been feeling down and tired.  Yet not one of my local “friends” have called or texted me to check in on me.

Proverbs 1:24 says “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”   

Just recently, I was catching up on some chores around the house and listening to the Spotify “Praise” channel.  I was occasionally signing out loud to the songs I was familiar with as I was working.  During one of these songs my throat grabbed me and I started to cry. It was so unexpected! I ended up on my knees, crying and praying while the song continued to play.  Once the song was over, and I rose up and continued to work, I realized that HE is the only true friend I have.  HE will listen to my messy prayers and fill me with peace when, like in this instance, my tears took me by surprise. HE is the ONE checking in on me. He is the ONE.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. “ II Corinthians 4:18

Lesson learned. I’ve been fixing my eyes on what I can see, or not see in my case. I’ve been relying on my friends to help heal my pain, not God. I’ve been relying on my friends to fill the void, not God. I’ve been relying on my job to make me feel valuable, not God.

One would think that by now, I would know better. I’ve had a relationship with God longer than I haven’t. By now I should know to run into His arms, not seek my comfort elsewhere, in other things or in other people.  I truly believe that God gives us friends to fellowship with, as we all need that . But I also believe, in my case, right now in the process of grieving, that He is teaching me to turn to Him, expect Him to be there for me. Not to rely on my friends but my true Friend who sticks closer than a brother.  Almost one year later I think I’m starting to get it.  

It’s coming. 

I feel it.  



  1. AnonymousMay 05, 2023

    Appreciate your honesty, I think many of us have felt the same and it is good to be reminded to keep our eyes fixed on the one who knows us best and loves us most, thanks for sharing

  2. a needful reminder to rely more on God and less on others. Thank you; FMF21

  3. I can so relate.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Never had much time for friends,
    so I didn't really try
    to make friendship one of life's ends,
    excepting those for whom I'd die.
    And with those came scant conversation,
    for our lives were deeds, not words
    in the service of a nation,
    wielding sharp and bloody swords,
    but through it shone the honesty
    of, at one's elbow, death,
    and that lovely mystery
    of what lay past the Final Breath.
    They were in fact my greatest boon;
    wait up, old mates, I'll be there soon.

  5. It's tough to learn the lesson to rely on God above all others. Or to make in your hiding place or place of comfort, rather than messy, unfulfilling alternatives! Bless you. Dawn #30


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