The Power of Thanksgiving - Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

There is a song called 'Give Thanks', written by Henry Smith and recorded by songwriter and singer Don Moen. 'Give Thanks' is simple in it's lyrics but powerful in it's message.

"Give thanks with a grateful heart
 Give thanks unto the Holy One
 Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son 

 And now let the weak say, 'I am strong'
 Let the poor say, 'I am rich
 Because of what the Lord has done for us' 

 Give thanks"

I Thessalonians 5 says "16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

So many people struggle to give thanks when life hits hard. This scripture doesn't say to give thanks FOR those trials, but to give thanks IN all circumstances as we go through them. 

There is power in thanksgiving. God has been trying to teach me to give thanks in all circumstances for a while now. When I was going through cancer treatments I was so discouraged at times that I found it hard to be thankful. But it was during that time that I really started to realize how MUCH I had to be thankful for. I wasn't thankful to have cancer, but I was thankful for good days; thankful to have an appetite, or have the strength to take a shower. I became so thankful for my husband and daughter who cared so tenderly for me. I eventually became thankful for even being put in a position where I was forced to be still, where I had the time to draw closer to God because of cancer.

The more I give thanks to God, the more I learn to trust Him.  I am still learning to let go of petty griping and instead look at what I have to be thankful for. 

Look for ways to give thanks:

  • Instead of complaining about dirty dishes in the sink, be thankful you have food to cook and dishes to serve on.
  • Instead of complaining about the traffic you drive in daily, give thanks that you have a car to drive and the physical capability to drive that car.
  • Instead of complaining that your house is messy, be grateful you have a house to live in, and people in your life to share it with.
  • Instead of complaining about office politics, be thankful you have a job that provides an income

Giving thanks to God is the secret to true gratefulness. When we look outside of ourselves and intentionally look for our blessings, we grow more thankful for what we do have and less at the inconveniences we may experience.


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