'Twas the Night of Thanksgiving...

‘Twas the night of Thanksgiving and all through the house
There are leftovers, and crumbs, and “Oh! …Is that a mouse?”
The food and clean dishes were put away with such care
Hopes that the kitchen remains clean, is now my current prayer.

At the end of a long day, my honey and I went to bed
With visions of stuffing, and pies, potatoes and bread…
Remembering “Grandpapa and Nana” spoken sweetly from our laps,
Thoughts of our babies remind me that gifts need to be wrapped.

Still thinking sweetly today of last night’s sweet chatter,
It’s off to make lunch, geesh; I’m already getting fatter!
I remembered my healthy option that I hid in my cache
I threw open the fridge, but could not find my stash.

I stood there a moment, completely aloof
Then I had a thought that could raise the roof!
Instead of eating leftovers that could cause a heart attack
Why don’t I make a smoothie, and then hit the NordicTrack!

So I made a blended mix that had spinach and cherry,
Then added some protein, and why not, some more berries.
I felt so much better making healthy choices, duh “hello!”
That I went downstairs for some Zumba, and just let it go!
It was tough those last few minutes, but I gritted my teeth,
I did what I was taught, to have fun and just breathe.
When I was done, I was sweaty and smelly,
But it felt so good to let go and know that I tightened my belly.

Upstairs I bound now, so proud of myself,
I felt as productive as a Christmas Eve elf.
A wink to my honey, then to the shower I sped,
I now felt empowered for what lay ahead.

Energized and now ready to get right to work,
I felt ready for gift-wrapping, ah, such a perk.
I quickly sifted through toys, and books and gizmos,
Then grabbed the Christmas wrapping and some matching bows.

I wrapped many presents with songs and a whistle,
Then soon I finished the task and felt, oh so blissful.
The day is now done, and I think I did alright.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

written by Mindy Kaye


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