Five Minute Friday : Open

It's been a VERY long time since I have joined the crowds at Five Minute Friday to write with (almost) total abandon for five minutes based on a prompt provided by our host Kate Motaung.  

The word this week is: Open. Here goes:

Allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up. This is the dictionary's definition of the word 'open'.

For quite some time now, this simple single word has eluded me. I have been the total opposite of this word.  I have felt closed and blocked up, not allowing access to anyone or anything to those passages into the real me.

I long to open my doors, but the lack of movement has made my hinges stiff and unwilling to open easily.  It's felt safe having my doors closed, it keeps intruders out, and I can easily hide behind it, not having to dress to greet anyone.

But it's lonely.

I long to open my doors, but my door is stuck. It's going to take some effort to open it again. I'll need to grease those hinges and then work at opening the door every day after I've closed them for the night.

Now where did I put that grease can?



  1. Mindy, thank you for your honest reflection here. Thank you for putting words to the hearts of many people. I pray for you and bless you to find the oil can and to exercise your will to keep moving the hinges open and shut until opening the door of your heart becomes natural. Be free to be open in the name of Jesus!

    1. Thank you Lisa. I'll take those prayers and pray for God's blessing on you.

  2. Practice, practice. I know you can do it. :)


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