Five Minute Friday : Choose

Jumping back in with a beautiful group of writers over at Lisa Jo Bakers, for Five Minute Friday.  Today's word is Choose.


Life is full of choices. When we wake up in the morning we can choose to be in a good mood or a bad one, regardless of how we felt upon rising.  We can choose to love our spouse in spite of their faults or we can choose to harbor resentment towards them for not being meeting our expectations.

I am currently choosing to do a 21 day detox diet, even though I could just as easily choose to stop at anytime and grab a handful of peanut M&M's, but I made a choice to do what I feel like is best for me in the long run. 

 We all need to make a decision on what we choose to do with and in our lives.  Some are short term choices, like my detox, and others are long term choices, like who we marry. The most important choice we can make is where we spend eternity. With any choice we need to decide what is best and stick with it.  It's easy to change our minds, but do we give up what we want most for what we want RIGHT NOW?  

It's your choice.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:


Five Minute Friday


  1. Love your thoughts on the word choose. Stopping by from FMF. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Love that Deuteronomy verse! thank you for sharing!

  3. Love that verse from Deuteronomy. Thank you for sharing!


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