Nothing Out of the Ordinary

Today's word for Five-Minute Friday is ...Ordinary 

She looked in the mirror turning her face this way, then the other way, inspecting every detail of her countenance. "Humpf", she huffed disgustedly. "There's nothing to see here people, move on" she said aloud to no one as she walked out of the bathroom flicking off the light.

Once she got into her car to start her drive to work, Lisa, looking into the rear view mirror, ran her fingers from her chin down to her neck. She never liked the way her chin disappeared into her neck. She sighed and thought to herself, "nothing special to look at, just an ordinary plain Jane."

When she arrived in her classroom that morning, she noticed right away that one of her students had left a note on her chair.  The note read: "Dear Mrs. Rinehart, you are the best teacher I've ever had." Lisa smiled and tucked the note away in her desk drawer and began writing on the chalkboard.

At lunch time, Lisa sat with some of the other teachers who were taking their break. Everyone was chatting noisily, catching up with each other and sharing classroom antics of the day. Then, as if rehearsed, everyone stood up at the same time to leave and get back to their classes. Mrs. Welch touched Lisa's shoulder and leaned in to whisper quickly "I just wanted to tell you how pretty you look today." Lisa pulled back looking surprised, and slightly confused, and muttered 'thank you' to her co-worker who was already heading in the opposite direction.

Driving home Lisa reflected on her day. She smiled when she thought of the note left on her chair and caught herself, more than once, looking at her reflection in the mirror to try and see what Mrs. Welch saw.

At home Lisa put supper in the oven then opened the mail. She received a thank-you note from her neighbor. It read; "Dear Lisa, thank you so much for bringing dinner to us last week when Jack was sick. It meant so much to us to know someone cared." Lisa smiled as she tucked the note back into the envelope.

Bill came home just as Lisa was pulling supper out of the oven. "It smells good in here!" He walked over to Lisa and gave her a kiss. "You're looking happy today, anything special happen?" asked Bill. Lisa paused only slightly, smiled contentedly and replied "Oh, nothing out of the ordinary."

Five Minute Friday


  1. Thank you, What a sweet easy to read story, which brought a smile to my face. (I'm a Lisa too, and definitely could have done with a day like this myself)

    1. Lisa, thanks for stopping by for paying such a coveted compliment, that it brought a smile to your face! I pray you have a day where you end up with a contented nod and smile on your face today!

  2. Sometimes it's the little things that make our day! I have "I love you Mrs. Hardisty" notes from students on the bulletin board above my desk and just love when students I don't even know wave in the hallway and whisper to their neighbor, "that's Mrs. Hardisty." It makes my day every time. God knows what we need and gives us many reminders of how important we are, even if just in small ways that require us to be listening. Thanks for sharing on Five Minute Friday!!

    1. Rhonda, I love that this spoke to the teacher in you. I am not a teacher, but this is what poured out of me, so I just went with it. If you have students pointing you out in a good light, you must have that something "special" that they will always remember. I had but just a few in my school days (Mr. Bethel, 6th grade) and as a grandmother, I still remember him fondly. Keep up the ordinary excellence that makes you you.

  3. Good job, as usual. You should try writing for a living. : )

  4. I LOVED this post! It is a gentle sweet reminder that words can mean so much. It costs us nothing to say or write something sweet but the rewards are many.

  5. Laura, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. And you are right, we always think we have to do some grand gesture, when it's the little things that can brighten someone's day. Thanks for peeking in and commenting.


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