For the Love of Writing - Five Minute Friday

Today's word is She


As soon as I see her, I smile and she smiles back at me. I love those times we get together and (sigh) they never seem to be long enough.

She can make me smile just by going about her daily activities. She gives a little laugh or looks at me intently and I can't help myself, and break out in a grin. By the time we finish our visit my cheeks are hurting from smiling and laughing so much. A year and a half ago, I didn't even know her, yet today I can't stand to be away from her.  She is such a joy in my life.

I wish everyone could experience the love and joy I feel at just the thought of being with her.

Our time spent together is rarely in person but we manage to connect through technology. We chat about silly things and even though she seems to understand everything I say, I have to admit, I can hardly understand what she is saying, yet this relationship seems to work. 

She has this way of cheering me up when I am down, of making me laugh when I've had a bad day and being brutally honest which is so refreshing. I only wish others would follow in her honesty. If she doesn't like something she lets you know and if she loves it, you can't help but love it too. She wears her heart on her sleeve.

What can I say, I love her.I can only hope that one day she'll come to love me too. One day this grand baby of mine will understand what love is all about and I'm waiting on the day she can say "I love you Nana"


I'm joining Lisa-Jo Baker over at  Five Minute Friday  where we all write for 5 minutes flat each Friday for pure unedited love of the written word. 

Five Minute Friday


  1. Sweet, Sweet, Sweet! Heart!
    Oh, the joy of being a grandma, and the connection of birth. You gave me joy today; thank you. (I wrote on my mom. I'm 47 and have an almost 13 year old daughter, and a husband of 24 years.)

    1. Thanks Beth! I am glad I was able to bring a smile to your face. My grand baby always does that for me!! :) I think we were crossing paths when you left this message as I was leaving one on your blog. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to "meet" you again soon!

  2. Look at that beautiful baby!! What a great post for FMF! She is lucky to have you!

    1. Thanks Darcy. I know I'm a little biased, but I think she is beautiful as well! I am blessed to have her in my life.

  3. Oh, what a precious little girl! She will be blessed beyond measure to have a Nana who loves her, delights in her, and desires to walk with her as she grows...even if many miles apart. What a gift for both of you! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am blessed beyond measure to have the privilege of watching her grow up, even if it is through FaceTime. She is precious. I look forward to the rare times we get to spend physically with her, but cherish those weekly "visits" via technology. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Oh I can't wait for grand babies! What a beautiful blessing you've been given!

    1. This one is my first but we have one on the way in about a month. This new little one, I'll be able to hold and love on as she is close by. I can hardly wait. Grandbabies are truly a blessing from God!


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