A Soul Longing for More

Christians go to church on Sunday's. Shoot, non-Christians go to church on Sunday's, Saturdays and even Wednesdays.  We pray over our meals, maybe at night before we go to bed, and of course...on Sunday's. We've become "so familiar with God, yet so we are so unaware of Him"*.  We not only have become numbed by our daily rituals of serving Christ, we've become apathetic toward the One who created us and sacrificed for us so that we could live in His presence forever.  We've become so calloused to the sins we've committed that we don't allow ourselves to feel the depth of wrong we've caused.  Yet by God's grace and mercy, He loves us still.

My momma always used to say that being a Christian and having a relationship with Christ are two different things.  When we go to church and say our daily grace these are things God leads us to do, but when they become routine, we are "missing out on the most exciting part of being a Christian - experiencing God."*

I have experienced God in many ways over my many years of being His follower, and I've gone through periods where I felt like my prayers hit the ceiling and crashed back down on me. Even worse there were times where I didn't pray at all, yet blamed God for being distant with me.  But I have learned that it isn't God who leaves us, but we who walk away from Him.  He will never leave us.

God gives us His word, his laws to give us joy!  Psalms 19:8 says His precepts (general rules intended to regulate behavior or thoughts) His rules are right, giving joy to the heart! And in vs 11 it says, in keeping them, there is great REWARD.  Vs 14 goes on to say, May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be pleasing in your sight.

My soul longs for more of God. I want to be pleasing in God's sight. Do you? Have you ever thought about what it takes to be pleasing to God?  I'm reading a book now called 'What Happens When Women Say Yes to God' and the author, Lysa TerKeurst says "His one requirement is so simple and yet so profound. Whatever God says do, do it."  We have to set aside "us", and our social agendas and just say yes to God first.  Notice I didn't say we have to give up those things, but when we commit to saying yes to God, before we even know what He is asking, He'll make ways for us to be where we should be in order to serve Him.

I love what Lysa says in the first chapter, " Obedience..is more than just "not sinning". It is having the overwhelming desire to walk in the center of God's will at every moment."

I long for more of Him. I will choose to step out of my comfort zone and just say yes to whatever God has for me.

I'll be sharing this post over at Proverbs 31 Thursday. Come visit for inspiration and community.

P31 OBS Blog Hop

*Lysa TerKeurst - 'What Happens When Women Say YES to God'


  1. Very true. Good word. Thanks for sharing this truth.

    1. Thanks for looking Sarah. I want to choose to say yes everyday. Pray that I do!

  2. Oh, you have one very smart momma!! Being a Christian and having a relationship with Christ are two different things! My prayer for myself is that in saying "Yes to God" I will be able to move from simply head knowledge of my Lord and savior to heart knowledge!!

    1. Imagine how God could use us if we really believed everything He says! But don't let satan use this against you. Just continue to move forward in your relationship with Christ. Say yes more than no, Be still more often. Acknowledge that still small voice and act on it more quickly. These small steps lead to a big Yes to God more often!

  3. Nice insight and reminder

    1. Thanks Dave. And thanks for walking that path with me.

  4. I always enjoy reading your blogs and seeing how God is working in your life. Love to you,
    Donna (and Tim)


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