What EVER!

What EVER!  How many of us have said or even thought this modern phrase?  This passive-aggressive phrase is used so often these days and is used in place of "I really don't care" to "I'm not going to admit I'm wrong, so stop talking now." and worse still, an expletive I won't even try to explain. I know I've been guilty of it more times than I care to admit.  It is at best, disrespectful and at worst, vulgar.

When we are in Christ, we should strive to constantly renew our minds to line up with the will of God.  A couple of weeks ago on our online bible study (OBS) our reflection verse was Romans 12:2. It says "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

When we live in this world, it is so hard to separate ourselves from the daily barrage of vulgar slang and negative speak. It is VERY easy to pick up on these attitudes and thought processes. So how do we as Christians change the way we think? How then, do we learn to know God's will for our lives, His will which is good and pleasing and perfect?

This week's OBS reflection verse, Philippians 4:8, is a GREAT verse for us to memorize and reflect on.  And for those of us who have slight control issues who feel the need to plan, organize and cross off lists (I cannot confirm or deny that I may be one of those people), This verse is perfect for breaking down and following the good thought process. The apostle Paul wrote this to the church in Philipi reminding them to fill their thoughts with good and holy things. When we are purposefully thinking on good things, it is harder for the worlds influence on our thoughts to take hold.

Philippians 4:8: tells us to think on these things:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true," True is defined as what is In accordance with fact or reality. Other words are: real, genuine, faithful, right, actual, and loyal. Skeptics may deny the existence of absolute truth; but Christ IS truth and all that is true comes from Him.

..."whatever is noble," possessing outstanding qualities.. very good or excellent, honorable. This is the absolute opposite of the modern day "whatever". This is respecting, honoring and striving to be the best you can be.

.."whatever is right," Morally good, justified, or acceptable. being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper. This isn't speaking to the "I'm right - you're wrong" concept. This is doing what is right in the eyes of God even when no one is looking. It is doing what is right when someone is looking even if you'll be made fun of. I think each of us deep down in our hearts knows what is good and right. God instills that in each of us. However, It is hard to do what is right when we want what we want even when it doesn't line up with God's will. Today's "WhatEVER" does NOT fit in with this thinking.

..."whatever is pure," free from what vitiates (impair the quality of), weakens, or pollutes, containing nothing that does not properly belong.  This is speaking to our words and deeds. Just the opposite of today's vulgar and foolish talking and actions. So many of us are proud to "dumb down" our language, our dress and our attitudes.

whatever is lovely,” The dictionary defines lovely as exquisitely beautiful. But here Paul is referencing what is pleasing. Think about things that would attract another to bring glory to God.

…”whatever is admirable’deserving the highest esteem (worth or value), superb, wonderful, gracious. Another version uses the phrase good-report, which refers to well speaking. Find things to admire about people around you and speak graciously about them.

…-If anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things”  Praiseworthy means deserving approval and admiration. These are the things we are to be thinking about. 

If we are filling our minds with these things, we are going against what Satan would have us think and believe. We are striving to keep our thoughts pure and in line with what Gods word speaks to us. When we think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable, we are making a conscious effort to what God would have us to do.  

Here awhile back it seemed everyone was wearing a "WWJD" bracelet. What would Jesus Do? Although the bracelet was a fad, the saying keeps us in line with Phil 4:8. Would Jesus say "WhatEVER" the way it is said today?

I love this saying by George Washington:  

“Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do--then do it with all your strength.” 

If we are focusing our attention on these good things, we will think less about the stressful, and ugly things that invade our daily lives and thought processes. When we follow a good, true and honest thought process, our actions will follow suit.  Because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things with which one may edify another.Romans 14:18-19

So the next time you have that thought.."WhatEVER"! Follow it up with What ever is good.....and think on these things.


  1. AnonymousMay 23, 2013

    Love your post, thanks!!

  2. Love that quote from George Washington... love a political leader that follows God :)

    Whatever.. such a big word - huh? :)

    1. I too, love leaders that follow God. Too bad the media never publishes those quotes or attributes. Yes, WhatEVER is huge It could be huge for God or huge towards not following Him. We must choose. Thanks for reading!

  3. Love your post, as always! I love this: "When we are purposefully thinking on good things, it is harder for the worlds influence on our thoughts to take hold." It's so true, and so important to remember! Thanks for sharing!!! :)

    1. Thanks Natalie for reading my posts. Why do we always fall so quickly into not doing God's will? Life is so much sweeter when we do what He tells us to. BTW, got your checklist printed out already!

  4. AnonymousMay 23, 2013

    Love your verse mapping with the memory verse this week and tying it in to the current culture. I also love the quote by George Washington, thanks for sharing!!

    Kris (OBS Small Group Leader)

    1. Thanks Kris for your kind words. I am always amazed how something written so long ago can always speak to our current culture. But then that is just like God to make His eternal word relevant to every generation!

      Blessings to you

  5. Love your post and the post from George Washington!! Thank you!

    1. Thank you Melanie for reading my post. I too love what George Washington said. He was a godly man. Wish more would be published about that side of his life.


  6. I love this post! You are so right, it's so easy to let the negativity and cynicism of the world to sneak into our thought patterns. We NEED to keep our eyes on what we want and building God's Kingdom here on earth!

    1. We follow what our eyes look at. I prefer to keep mine fixed on Him. When I don't , I don't like what I see in me.

  7. Love this! It was just the reminder I needed!

    1. Thanks Jen. I am so glad God used these words to speak to your heart.


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