Still Missing You

Six years ago, my family said good-bye to one of my closest friends, my mom. It never should have happened and possbily could have been prevented. Mom died from complications from a heart attack that was brought on by poor health. She always made sure to tell everyone to take care of themselves, yet didn't heed her own advice.

Mom was such a beautiful little girl. Times were tough for mom as a girl being raised on a farm, but her love for her brothers, and much later in her life her two little sisters, made her happy.
Mom (Barbara Jean), Richard (Dick) and Lee Music

In August of 1955 my grandmother Music entered Mom into the Ross County Fair Queen's beauty pagent. Mom wasn't too pleased with this idea but went along with it anyway. What a beauty she is here at the young age of 17. By now, mom had met the love of her life, my dad.

On September 8, 1956 Barbara Jean Music married Damon Duane Shaw. I remember playing in her wedding shoes when I was a girl. Mom confided in me once that those shoes were her favorite thing about her wedding attire. I thought those shoes were even more beautiful after that confidence was shared. Mom and Dad would have been married for 48 years in 2004

Christmas was always a happy time for all of us. Here she is with her family, my grandparents, Harry and Ann Music, her brothers and her sisters Becky and Janice at my grandparents farm. When our families got together it was always wonderfully mad, happy chaos. Talking, laughing, food, kids running and playing on stairs, writing on chalkboards, grandpa sticking his false teeth out at the children to make them laugh, and mom, with a contented smile on her face.

Mom LOVED her grandbabies! As we kids began to have children of our own, Mom came into a new kind of happiness. She rocked each and everyone of them, loved on them, read to them, sang to them and prayed over them. Each of our children had Mom's blessings prayed over their bodies and spirits.

Mom (Nanna to the grandkids) loving on Boo (Ahren). Notice Mom and Dad holding hands. This (and her bare feet) were common place with Mom.

This picture below is everyone's favorite of Mom. She did not like her picture taken as she always struggled with her weight, but as you can see in this picture below, she was a very beautiful woman. This picture is even more special to me as it was taken on my wedding day, March 15, 1983.
Mom is no longer here on earth with us, but her love for us will always remain in our hearts. She left us a legacy; Know God. Each of her kids are striving to know God. None of us are content to "play church", but through our ups and downs, keep coming back to what she taught us, to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds.
May 21, 1938 - June 28th, 2004

I miss you Momma.


  1. Wonderful pictures they do not tell even half the story. I miss her still.


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