
Growing season is in full bloom! I love planting a garden and reaping the harvest it produces. Last year we planted fruits and vegetables in the garden at the edge of our property near the woods. This plot backs up to a landscaped garden of our neighbors. While I enjoyed having a plot of land all ready for planting, there were many issues that arose in the location of last year's garden. There wasn't enough sun to produce some of the vegetables and fruits, and due to it's proximity to the woods, it seemed the deer thought we had planted the garden just for them! They even ate my jalapeno' pepper plants, peppers and all!!

So, this year, I decided to rely on knowledge gained during our years of land deprivation and planted a deck garden. So far we haven't had any deer brave enough to walk up the steps to our deck and help themselves. Grant it, I can't plant near the variety or amount of vegetables we did last year, but I dare say, we will end up with more harvest than we did last year.

I've included a few pictures below to show that deck gardens are just as successful, albeit limited, as a garden in the ground.

I've planted 2 big pots of kitchen herbs. These are convenient to the kitchen and oh, so nice to cook with.

Although strawberries are one of my favorite fruits to grow, deck gardens really don't allow for the quantity needed to eat a lot of strawberries. So when these ripen, we will enjoy them one at a time. There is nothing sweeter than a home grown strawberry picked ripe from the plant and eaten.

The jewel of the garden! I pulled back the leaves of my Early Girl tomato bush and look what I found hiding underneath the foliage! This is just a tantalizing peek at what is going on inside another pot on my deck.

A summer mix of loose leaf lettuce. We have already eaten some of the lettuce shown here as well as some from a pot of red leaf lettuce. It has been cool here in the evenings (and some days still) so the lettuce is still thriving. I've already shared with my dad and my brother. I hope it keeps on coming!!
Along with these, I've also planted zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, spinach, green onions and cantaloupe. Some of these I have planted in pots successfully before, others, well lets just say I'm experimenting. I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures as much as I enjoy growing a garden.


  1. AnonymousJune 08, 2009

    Many years ago I remembered you planted another garden. You were very careful at first watching it and making sure the seed would take. Letting the Son shine in and you enjoyed seeing the seed grow and start to flourish and I sometimes think you were somewhat surprised at just how well you had done. Today, the roots are deep and the Son still shines and feeds the garden and every now and then, the garden is a huge blessing tho those around it. YOU are the reason this beautiful garden exists today. Hopefully one of these days we can share the fruit of his blessings from the seed you planted years ago.
    Love, me

  2. Wow, thank you for blessing me with that beautiful analogy and remembrance. I'm pretty sure I know who left this. Thanks

  3. Kelly DotJune 09, 2009

    Wow, your deck garden looks great! We've only just put our tomatoes in today, but hopefully we'll still get a productive harvest, too. It's amazing what you can grow in containers!


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