
“Taking the weight off your shoulders" is an idiom that means to feel relief from the things that weigh us down. Worry, responsibilities, and even business keep us from feeling our best selves and cause sleepless nights. The last few years I have experienced an enormous amount of weight on my shoulders. From taking care of my aging parent and his declining mind, to the loss of one of my brothers. Even the good parts of life can be challenging. My husband retired early, which was a blessing to us, especially to him. My honey has the freedom now to travel and do all the things he’s waited to do. I love traveling with him, but as of right now, I still work. I thank God I have a job that gives me the flexibility to work on my own time, most of the time. But, as a Realtor, there are deadlines that must be met, so working while traveling takes away some of the fun and certainly adds to my stress. When I do get to slow down and breathe a minute, I feel the weight lifting off my should...